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Examination Details 科目及考試資料

Fine Arts Exam Subject 藝術繪畫考試科目 :
Exam Level 考試等級 |Fee 費用 (USD 美金):

Candidate Details 考生資料

Gender 性別 :
Address 地址 :
Is this the candidates’ first entry to IAEB examinations? 考生是否第一次報考國際藝術考試評審中心之考試?
Are you over age 18? 您是否已年滿18歲?

Submission 提交資料

Please upload link contents the following 請提交以下內容之連結:
1. Copy of candidate's identity document 考生身分證明文件副本
2. Candidate's personal photos from the past 3 months 考生近照(3個月內)
Please provide video link for exam assessment. 請提供考試評估的影片連結。
Please provide link of your painting artwork for exam assessment. 請提供您的繪畫作品的連結以供考試評估。

Declaration 聲明

Declaration 1
Declaration 2
Would you like to receive the latest information of IAEB’s activities (Eg. Examinations, Seminars, Courses etc.) 您是否希望收到國際藝術考試評審中心的活動資訊(如考試、研討會、課程等)?

Payment Information 付款資料
